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Injury and Rehabilitation

7 Common Concussion Myths

Author: Steven Zonner, D.O.

A doctor holding her fingers up for a child to look at

简单地说,脑震荡是一种由撞击、打击引起的脑损伤 或者头部受到震动或者身体受到撞击导致头部受伤 the brain—to move rapidly back and forth. Essentially a concussion 通过颅骨内部的大脑产生鞭击效应.

虽然多年来我们对脑震荡的理解有了很大的提高, 关于这种类型的伤害仍然存在很多神话. Here are some of the most common concussion misconceptions:

MYTH: Concussion usually causes a loss of consciousness.

关于脑震荡的最大误解之一就是你必须输 consciousness to have suffered a concussion. Most people immediately think 一名足球运动员在接球后被运走 重大打击. 事实是脑震荡后的症状 比人们想象的要微妙得多,戏剧性小得多吗.

More often, people who have received a concussion experience:

  • Nausea and vomiting
  • 头疼
  • 头晕
  • Double or blurry vision
  • Sensitivity to light or noise
  • Feeling “off” or foggy
  • Difficulty concentrating or remembering


关于脑震荡,我听到的最常见的误解是, can actually delay 复苏. People still believe that a concussed person 不应该让他们睡觉,因为害怕他们会陷入昏迷. Research has now shown that “cocoon therapy” – remaining 在一个黑暗的房间里,没有任何视觉或听觉刺激 造成相当大的恢复延迟或更糟,导致延长 months of post-concussion symptoms. It has now been shown that getting regular sleep – not excessive napping – helps the brain heal. 此外,它现在已经在最近的研究中得到证实 4年,开始四处走动,甚至开始逐渐回归 进行有氧运动(即不加重症状)会促进更快 复苏. Since dizziness and nausea frequently accompany concussion, 通过使用固定的自行车来限制头部的运动是非常安全的 and effective option. In fact, it is established that over 80% of concussions 如果治疗得当,能否在7-10天内完全康复. In other words, concussion is a reversible injury.

误解:医生可以根据核磁共振成像来判断你是否有脑震荡 CAT scan readings.

标准的头部和脑部CT或MRI扫描无法检测到脑震荡 通常在急诊室进行,以排除更严重的情况 such as a skull fracture or intra-cranial bleeding. Again, research has 表明轻度创伤性脑损伤,只有最复杂的 imaging devices utilized in research (e.g., diffuse tensor imaging or DTI可以揭示脑震荡的电子和化学失衡. 这些设备还没有准备好进入黄金时段,公众需要这样做 要知道脑部CT的辐射量是20 times that of one chest x-ray. While the risk of developing a brain tumor 是极低的,据估计,在儿童中 15年来,2-3次CT脑部扫描辐射的总体影响 nearly triple the risk.


The CDC estimates that there are between 1.6和3.8 million sports and recreation-related concussions each year in the U.S. However, it’s not the only cause of concussion. Other leading causes include:

  • 瀑布
  • Motor vehicle-related injury
  • Being struck by or against an object (accidental)
  • 攻击

MYTH: Concussions are only caused by being hit in the head.

You can get a concussion without receiving a strong blow to the head; it can also be caused by whiplash or rotational injuries. 事实上,大约 我们在机动车事故中看到的80%的人都有 a concussion because of this whiplash effect. Regardless of where you’re 当头部或身体受到足够的冲击力时,它就能 导致大脑内的力量导致神经元的拉伸和损伤.

MYTH: Everyone is at the same risk for concussion.

虽然它们可能发生在任何人身上,但有一些群体尤其 prone to concussion. We tend to see more concussions in teenagers and 女性. 青少年往往更积极参与体育运动,而且是 less risk-averse than other groups. As for 女性, they generally have 颈部肌肉不发达,无法在撞击时稳定头部. 此外, 女性的大脑中有一个更发达的结构,叫做大脑体 callosum than men. This is a connective pathway between the left and right 负责多任务处理功能的大脑两侧 possible, like coordination and complex problem-solving. These connections 是否特别容易受到剪切损伤的影响 被称为mTBI或轻度创伤性脑损伤的广泛症状复合物 (激动).

现在人们普遍认为脑震荡是一种极其常见的疾病 treatable condition. In children and teenagers especially, it’s 了解脑震荡的症状并寻求适当的治疗是很重要的 to reduce the risk of long-term cognitive effects. With adequate rest 至于康复,脑震荡不一定会有持久的影响 on your – or your student-athlete’s – quality of life.

参观 Washington Hospital Health护理 System 网站,博彩app有关脑震荡的诊断、治疗和康复 services available through the Washington Sports Medicine ProgramWashington Outpatient Rehabilitation Center.

Posted August, 2019

About Steven Zonner, D.O.
Dr. Steven Zonner是由美国骨科委员会认证的 在家庭医学领域有超过30年的经验 primary 护理, occupational and sports medicine. In his family medicine 实践中,博士. Zonner promotes physical fitness to prevent disease and 帮助他的病人对他们的健康做出明智的决定 护理. As an expert on concussions, Dr. Zonner currently serves as the 三谷和金州精英青年脑震荡项目主任 在加州都柏林的冰球项目以及医疗顾问 加州业余曲棍球协会脑震荡委员会.

Dr. 佐纳在芝加哥完成了大部分的医学训练 博彩app芝加哥学院骨科医学博士学位 of Osteopathic Medicine. After finishing his 家庭医学 internship 并在密歇根州的博茨福德总医院实习,他回到了 来完成他在拉什-长老会-圣. Luke’s Medical Center. In 1990, he went on to become the head team 亚利桑那州立大学的内科医生,并被邀请到 the US Olympic Training Center in Colorado Springs. He has been treating 所有年龄和运动能力的人在旧金山湾区 自2004年以来. Dr. Zonner is also fluent in Spanish.

“我的理念是提供同样的质量和协调 我愿意为我的家人和朋友提供的医疗服务. 太频繁 在今天的医学界,医生没有时间解释 你照顾的细节他们也没有时间和别人说话 providers involved. I will work with other members of your medical 护理 团队(e.g.、放射科医生、物理治疗师、专科医生、脊医) to coordinate your 护理 and provide optimal treatment.”